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The following 430 words could not be found in the dictionary of 0 words and are highlighted below:
10px   Abandoned   according   Action   action   Actions   Add   additional   address   Admin   administrators   Advanced   advanced   alias   align   all   Allow   allow   an   Anchor   anchorname   anchors   and   another   any   are   args   argument   argument1   argument2   arguments   as   Attach   attachment   attachments   available   backslash   Bar   be   below   between   both   bots   box   break   but   Button   by   C822   Cached   caches   Calendar   called   can   cannot   case   Category   Changes   character   Chart   charts   children   clicking   collected   com   comma   Config   configuration   contain   contains   content   contents   Contents   Cookies   could   Count   count   counter   create   created   creates   current   currently   date   Date   day   default   defaults   defined   depth   Description   descriptions   developer   dialogue   dict   Dict   dictionary   directly   display   displays   Displays   documentation   each   easily   edit   Edit   edited   Edited   Editing   either   email   empty   engine   enter   entries   entry   escape   Event   event   example   Example   exception   existent   existing   exists   explicitly   False   features   ffffcc   File   file   filename   Find   first   Foo   Foot   footnote   footnotes   For   for   formatted   Fortune   from   Full   generate   generated   German   Get   given   go   Go   have   heading   Hello   help   Help   here   Highlighter   hitcounts   hits   Hits   homepage   host   http   I18   Icon   icons   if   If   image   in   include   Include   Index   index   info   Info   information   Information   input   insert   insertion   inserts   intended   Inter   interactive   interpreter   into   intranet   is   it   key   known   Label   languages   last   lets   level   lexers   like   limited   line   link   links   list   List   ll   loads   Loads   local   longest   Macro   macro   Macros   macros   Mail   mainly   make   makes   margin   Market   markup   matches   maxdepth   maximal   may   means   message   mimetype   mode   modified   Moin   Month   more   name   Name   named   names   navigation   Navigation   Neat   necessary   need   new   New   next   no   non   normal   not   Note   now   number   Of   of   omitted   On   on   only   optional   or   Orphaned   other   Others   output   over   page   Page   pagename   pages   Pages   pagesize   Parent   placeholders   possible   possibly   prefer   prev   Print   print   Project   protect   pydoc   Pygments   python   quick   quote   Quote   random   Random   read   Recent   recently   regards   replaced   replaces   result   results   Retrieve   rowbgcolor   sample   search   Search   searches   Searching   seconds   sect   See   see   Select   sensitive   separator   settings   should   show   shown   Shows   shows   siblings   since   Size   sizes   Slide   slide   slides   slideshow   Snippets   sophisticated   spam   special   specification   specified   speed   start   statically   statistical   Stats   strftime   string   style   stylesheet   sub   subpage   subpages   superuser   supplied   Syntax   syntax   system   System   T12   table   Table   tablewidth   template   Template   term   Test   Teud   Text   text   Text2   texts   that   The   the   they   thing   this   those   Time   time   timestamp   Title   title   titles   to   To   toggle   top   translated   translation   True   twistedmatrix   txt   type   types   unix   unknown   up   Upload   use   Use   used   useful   user   useragents   users   uses   using   Val   valid   value   vertical   via   View   view   W3   want   Wanted   were   what   when   where   which   whose   width   Wiki   wiki   wikis   will   with   Word   words   Works   World   yields   You   you   your  

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location: HelpOnMacros


Macros allow the insertion of system features into normal wiki pages; the only thing that makes those pages special is that they contain macros. If you edit pages like RecentChanges or SystemInfo, you'll see what that means.

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing and HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax.

Search macros

MoinMoin now uses a new search engine, that lets your make sophisticated searches using both the interactive search box or any of the search macros. For more help, see HelpOnSearching.




create an advanced search dialogue on the page. See FindPage.


create a search box on the page, which search the page titles. See FindPage.


create a search box on the page, which search the page contents.See FindPage.


print a list of pages whose content matches the current page title (like clicking on the page title). See CategoryCategory for example


print a list of pages whose content matches the search term.


Works like the FullSearch macro but caches the results statically. Use it if you prefer speed over an up-to-date result.


directly go to the page you enter. See FindPage.


print a list of pages whose title matches the search term. See HelpIndex.




a list of recently edited pages. See RecentChanges


an index of all page titles. See TitleIndex


an index of all words in page titles. See WordIndex


list links to non-existent pages. See WantedPages


list pages no other page links to. See OrphanedPages


list pages that were not edited for the longest time. See AbandonedPages


inserts a link to a random page.


links to a number of random pages.


display a local table of contents, possibly limited to a maximal depth.


macro to insert anchors into a page.


macro to list all of a pages' children. See start of this page for sample.


quick navigation to siblings of a page. See /MailTo for sample.


creates a link to toggle between slide show and wiki mode, and a link to start the slide show. See HelpOnSlideShows


displays first/prev/next/last links. See HelpOnSlideShows


displays number of attachments for current page. See HelpOnActions/AttachFile


displays number of attachments for page. See HelpOnActions/AttachFile


displays list of attachments. See HelpOnActions/AttachFile

System Information macros




a counter for page hits <<Hits([all=(False,True)][,event_type=(VIEWPAGE,SAVEPAGE)]>>


a list of all known InterWiki names.


info on the wiki, the python interpreter and the host system.


current page count. If exists is supplied as an argument, only existing pages will be shown.


list the sizes of all pages. See PageSize


shows statistical charts (currently defined types: hitcounts, pagesize, useragents, languages). See EventStats and subpages


Information for system administrators, see SystemAdmin. You need to be superuser to use this macro.


A list of system pages that were modified.


Shows wiki configuration settings which are either non-default or unknown. You need to be superuser to use this macro.


Shows all wiki configuration settings with descriptions.


List available Pygments lexers. See MacroMarket/HighlighterList for additional information.




<<Action(action [,text])>>

links to page with valid action, optional text could be used as alias. (action names are case sensitive). Example: <<Action(printPrint this page)>> will generate Print this page


display system icons. See HelpOnNavigation


insert a line break.


Select a random quote from the given page, or from FortuneCookies if omitted.


include contents of another page. See /Include


Add a footnote1, or explicitly display collected footnotes when no args are given.


display a timestamp according to system settings, in the style of 2024-04-27


display a timestamp2 according to user settings, in the style of 2024-04-27 17:33:06


(mainly intended for use on Help pages) Loads I18N texts. Example: "EditText" is translated to "EditText"


(mainly intended for use on Help pages or in generated output on wiki pages) loads I18N texts and replaces %s in the message by the arguments. The first character of the argument is used as the separator (in this example: a comma). You can escape the separator by using a backslash. Example: "<<GetText2(,[You may not read %s],FooBar)>>" yields "[You may not read FooBar]". For named placeholders, use "key=value" argument syntax, for example, "<<GetText2(,Upload new attachment \"%(filename)s\",filename=file.txt)>>" yields "Upload new attachment "file.txt"".


useful for intranet developer wikis, a means to view pydoc documentation, formatted via a XSLT stylesheet. See http://twistedmatrix.com/wiki/python/TeudProject


protect your email address from spam bots. See /MailTo

<<NewPage(PageTemplate,ButtonLabel,[ParentPage,@ME,@SELF] [,NameTemplate])>>

Allow the user to create (sub-)pages easily, using the page PageTemplate as the template for the new page and the string NameTemplate as a template for the name.3 @ME is used if you want the page created below the users homepage. @SELF is used to create a subpage below the page where it is called from.


Retrieve dictionary entries from dict pages. Example: If you have a page called GermanDict which contains the entry Test, you should see the translation here:


Displays a Calendar and creates link for entries to each day on subpages. See /MonthCalendar

  1. the text cannot contain any wiki markup (1)

  2. "timestamp" can be empty (current time), a number of seconds since 1970 (unix timestamp), or a W3C time specification ("2002-01-23T12:34:56"). See RFC822, sect. 5. (2)

  3. NameTemplate is formatted with time.strftime(), with the exception of %s which is replaced by the input into the edit box (which is only shown if necessary). If NameTemplate is not specified or empty, it defaults to %s. (3)