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The following 388 words could not be found in the dictionary of 0 words and are highlighted below:
account   action   Action   Actions   actions   activate   add   added   address   Administrators   after   aid   all   All   along   an   and   any   append   appending   are   as   at   Attach   attachment   available   backup   backups   Ball   based   be   between   body   Book   bookmark   bottom   but   button   by   By   cached   Call   Calls   can   case   certain   Changes   chart   charts   Check   checker   click   clicking   com   confirmed   content   contents   copied   copy   Copy   could   Create   created   current   currently   data   Database   default   defined   Delete   deleted   deleting   deletion   depth   Description   details   diff   differences   different   disabled   discussion   Display   display   Displays   do   Doc   docbook   docs   down   Dumps   each   edit   Edit   editing   either   Emit   emits   en   enable   ends   ever   excluded   experimental   Export   export   extend   extension   feed   ffffcc   fields   File   file   files   final   following   For   for   form   format   formatted   from   Full   fullsearch   functions   further   generate   Generate   Generates   Google   google   granted   happens   head   Help   Highlight   highlight   hook   html   http   icons   if   implement   Implements   implements   import   in   includes   info   Info   inline   inlinesearch   install   interface   internal   into   is   it   items   just   known   later   like   Like   limited   line   Link   link   links   list   List   listing   load   Load   Local   Log   logged   login   long   lower   Ls   macro   macros   main   manually   Map   markup   means   Meat   menu   meta   Meta   might   mime   mimetype   mixed   Moin   monitor   more   More   must   names   navigation   navigational   nearby   need   new   newaccount   normally   not   note   Note   of   older   omits   On   on   ones   only   onto   or   other   output   own   page   Page   pages   Pages   Parameter   physically   plain   preferences   print   produce   protocol   pure   purposes   putting   Py   python   rather   raw   rc   recall   Recent   references   referred   Refresh   refresh   related   Rename   renamed   renaming   requests   result   Revert   revert   revision   revisions   revive   rowbgcolor   Rpc   rss   running   same   Save   save   savepage   search   Search   searching   See   see   Send   Set   set   show   Show   Shows   showtags   single   site   Site   Sitemap   sitemap   sitemaps   sites   Slide   slide   slides   so   Some   some   specially   specifies   spell   Spell   starts   static   subpages   Subscribe   subscribe   supplement   supplementation   support   sync   Sync   Synchronisation   synchronise   system   System   tablewidth   tags   Text   text   that   The   the   their   them   then   There   these   they   They   this   This   thread   threads   time   Title   title   titleindex   Titles   titlesearch   to   To   too   tools   top   tracebacks   transclusion   Treat   triggered   turn   type   unlike   use   used   Used   user   User   userform   users   uses   util   value   various   version   via   view   viewing   views   wanted   web   webmasters   wget   when   which   whole   whose   width   Wiki   wiki   will   with   without   won   word   Word   work   www   xml   Xml   xmlrpc   xmlrpc2   You   you   your  

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location: HelpOnActions


Actions are tools that work on a page or the whole wiki, but unlike macros they do not add to the page content when viewing a page, rather they work on that page content. They either produce some output based on page contents (navigational actions like searching) or implement functions that are not related to viewing a page (like deleting or renaming a page).

There is a set of system-defined actions, which includes page editing; you can extend the set of known actions by your own ones.

The following actions are added to the list of user-defined extension actions at the bottom of each page (or in the "More actions" menu). This happens to any mixed-case extension, for other actions (all lower-case) see the list further down this page. Some of these action might not be available for your wiki site.




Attach files to a page, see /AttachFile for more details. NOTE: This action is not granted if you are not logged in.


Copy a page, after you confirmed it. All subpages could be copied too.


Delete a page, after you confirmed it; deletion means a final backup copy is created and only then the page is deleted, i.e. you can revive the page later on (as long as the backups are not physically deleted). All subpages could be deleted too. NOTE: This action is not granted if you are not logged in.


Rename a page, after you confirmed it. All subpages could be renamed too.


List pages whose title starts or ends with the same WikiWord as the current page title.


Show nearby links of the current page, i.e. list all referred-to pages, and in turn their references, to a certain limited depth.


Treat a wiki page as a set of slides. Displays a single slide at a time, along with a navigation aid; see HelpOnSlideShows for more.


Call the spell checker for the current page; see HelpOnSpellCheck for more.


Administrators can use it to subscribe other users to pages.


Used to synchronise different wiki sites. See HelpOnSynchronisation.


Used to load a page into the wiki or an attachment onto the current.


Used to save a page of the wiki into a text file.

The following is a list of internal actions that are used to implement the various icons and links at the top and bottom of pages, or supplement certain macros.




Implements the listing of all page names as text (append ?action=titleindex to your wiki address) or XML (?action=titleindex&mimetype=text/xml); the main use of this action is to enable MetaWiki.


This action is triggered by clicking on the "Search Text" button of the FullSearch macro (?action=fullsearch&value=HelpOnActions).


This action is triggered by clicking on the "Search Titles" button of the TitleSearch macro (?action=titlesearch&value=HelpOnActions).


This implements the inline search for the form fields at the bottom of each page (note that this uses POST requests, so you won't normally see this action in URLs).


Highlight the search word when you click on a link in a search result list.


Display differences between page revisions.


Show meta-data on a page.


Log into the wiki.


Create a new user account on the wiki.


Display an older revision of a page.


Display a page (the default action).


Refresh the cached version of a page (currently only used on XSLT-formatted pages).


Show the print-view of a page, which omits the navigational items from the display view.


Edit this page.


Save this page (do not ever use this manually).


Subscribe to a page.


Save user preferences.


Set bookmark for RecentChanges.


Send the raw wiki markup as text/plain (e.g. for backup purposes via wget); SystemInfo?action=raw will show the markup of SystemInfo.


Emit specially formatted views of a page. Parameter mimetype specifies the wanted mime-type. You can generate DocBook markup from your pages by appending ?action=format&mimetype=xml/docbook to the address (note: you need to install PyXML to use it).


Generate a RSS feed of RecentChanges.


Display charts.


Export the wiki content. NOTE: this is currently experimental.


For transclusion into static web pages, this action emits the pure page content, without any <html>, <head>, or <body> tags.


Generates a list of all pages and the links on them, just like LinkDatabase.


Generates a Google XML sitemap, see Sitemap protocol.

xmlrpc and xmlrpc2

Wiki XML-RPC interface, see XmlRpcToWiki. By default this is disabled by actions_excluded.


Revert to an older version of the page.


Dumps all sync tags related to the page.


Dumps the tracebacks of all current running threads. Note that you must enable the thread monitor support by putting the line  from MoinMoin.util.thread_monitor import activate_hook; activate_hook() at the top of your CGI/FCGI/... python file.


Calls a supplementation page e.g. discussion for a page.