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The following 183 words could not be found in the dictionary of 0 words and are highlighted below:
above   add   adraw   afterwards   also   an   and   Any   anywikidraw   anywikitest   applet   archive   are   around   asking   attachment   available   Basics   bit   by   called   can   case   changed   choose   click   clickable   clicking   compatibility   confirm   contained   contains   Contents   convert   cool   create   data   default   do   does   don   double   draw   Draw   Draw7   drawing   drawingname   drawings   Drawings   each   effects   ever   everything   Examples   exist   existing   explore   extension   features   few   file   files   for   format   from   fun   get   gets   grouping   Have   Hot   http   if   If   images   in   In   including   instead   interface   internally   into   invoke   is   it   lead   ll   load   lot   map   Markup   meanwhile   message   migration   modern   modify   Moin   moin   name   need   needed   net   new   not   now   Of   of   on   only   outdated   own   page   play   please   Please   png   projects   provide   quite   renamed   rendered   Rendering   rendering   renders   rotate   save   saves   see   should   simply   Since   since   slowly   so   some   sourceforge   special   started   still   stored   successor   supports   svg   symbol   syntax   Table   tar   tdraw   that   The   the   them   they   This   this   to   tools   transparency   twikitest   two   Usage   use   Use   user   version   very   want   was   We   When   where   whether   which   while   wiki   Wiki   wikis   will   with   With   Working   you   your  

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location: HelpOnDrawings

Working with Drawings


Since MoinMoin 1.9 you can choose from two drawing tools: TWikiDraw and (new) AnyWikiDraw.

TWikiDraw is available in MoinMoin since quite a while and a bit outdated meanwhile. We still provide it for compatibility with existing drawings.

AnyWikiDraw is a special version for wikis of JHotDraw7, a successor of TWikiDraw with a modern user interface and a few very cool features.


Use this syntax for including a drawing on your page:

{{drawing:<name of your drawing>[.tdraw|.adraw]}}

Use .tdraw for TWikiDraw drawings and .adraw for AnyWikiDraw drawings. If you don't add an extension it will default to TWikiDraw.

If a drawing does not exist, you will see the attachment symbol instead of a drawing. A click on it will lead you to a page where the drawing applet gets started, so you can create a new drawing and save it.

When moin renders the wiki page afterwards, you'll see a rendered PNG of your new drawing.

If you click on the PNG rendering of an existing drawing, moin will invoke the drawing applet so you can modify it.

(!) In case you see some message asking whether you want to load the applet, you should confirm that.

Please play around with the drawing tools on your own, you will explore a lot of cool features.

E.g. add images to your drawings, play around with grouping, transparency effects and rotate everything by slowly double clicking on it.

Have fun!


Markup for a TWikiDraw drawing


Rendering of a TWikiDraw drawing


Markup for a AnyWikiDraw drawing


Rendering of a AnyWikiDraw drawing


.tdraw file format

MoinMoin < 1.9 stored 3 files for each TWikiDraw drawing:

With MoinMoin 1.9 this was changed so that only 1 file is needed (please use moin migration data to convert existing data):

This .tdraw file is simply a tar archive that internally contains the 3 files (see above). The contained files are ever called drawing.* so they do not need to get renamed if the .tdraw file gets renamed.

.adraw file format

MoinMoin 1.9 now also supports AnyWikiDraw drawings and saves them into a .adraw tar file, which contains:

The contained files are ever called drawing.* so they do not need to get renamed if the .adraw file gets renamed.