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The following 82 words could not be found in the dictionary of 0 words and are highlighted below:
action   allowed   an   and   any   are   at   attachments   back   backups   by   can   case   completely   create   data   Delete   delete   deleted   deleting   directory   display   does   empty   enabled   etc   existing   files   first   found   from   get   history   host   How   If   in   including   info   is   it   link   Ls   means   menu   Name   new   no   not   Note   of   older   on   only   Page   page   pages   remove   revert   reverting   revision   revisions   shell   simply   some   system   that   The   the   them   then   this   to   unrevertably   use   using   via   way   What   whole   with   you  

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location: HelpOnPageDeletion

How to delete pages

If enabled and allowed by ACLs, you can delete pages with the DeletePage action.

(!) Note that deleting means to create an empty/deleted new page revision, it does not remove any existing revisions of the page.

What this means is that you can get back at deleted pages by reverting them to an older/existing revision (first display some older revision using the link from the info action, then use "revert to this revision" from the menu).

(!) The only way to unrevertably and completely delete a page (including backups, history, attachments, etc.) is via the shell on the host system. The page files are found in the "data/pages/<PageName>" directory, and you can simply delete the whole <PageName> directory - no way back in that case.