welcome: please sign in

The following 71 words could not be found in the dictionary of 0 words and are highlighted below:
about   actions   add   and   bl   blacklist   change   club   clubs   cmd   command   comment   comments   count   create   currently   del   delete   feed   for   get   id   info   interface   list   login   maybe   message   messages   name   nothing   Objects   of   off   on   only   onoff   passlogin   pm   post   private   python   query   recommend   register   replaces   rm   search   send   settings   show   stat   subscribe   subscription   subscriptions   tag   tags   target   this   to   today   top   type   unsubscribe   update   user   userinfo   userlist   users   vcard   whoami  

Clear message
location: u / Stiletto / BnW / RESTfulDraft

   1 +   "register":             command_register.cmd_register,
   2 +   "search":               command_search.cmd_search,
   3 +   "interface":            command_interface.cmd_interface,
   4 +   "subscriptions/add":    command_subscription.cmd_subscribe,
   5 +   "subscriptions/del":    command_subscription.cmd_unsubscribe,
   6 +   "subscriptions":        command_subscription.cmd_subscriptions,
   7     "feed":                 command_show.cmd_feed,
   8 +   "today":                command_show.cmd_today,
   9 +   "show":                 command_show.cmd_show,
  10 +   "post":                 command_post.cmd_post,
  11 +   "comment":              command_post.cmd_comment,
  12     "recommend":            command_post.cmd_recommend,
  13 +   "on":                   command_onoff.cmd_on,
  14 +   "off":                  command_onoff.cmd_off,
  15 +   "delete":               command_delete.cmd_delete,
  16 +   "pm":                   command_pm.cmd_pm,
  17 +   "userlist":             command_userlist.cmd_userlist,
  18 +   "vcard":                command_vcard.cmd_vcard,
  19 +   "clubs":                command_clubs.cmd_clubs,
  20 +   "tags":                 command_clubs.cmd_tags,
  21     "passlogin":            command_login.cmd_passlogin,
  22     "blacklist":            command_bl.cmd_blacklist,
  23     "stat":                 command_stat.cmd_stat,
  24 +   "update":               command_update.cmd_update,
  25 +   "userinfo":             command_userinfo.cmd_userinfo,

Objects and actions

    POST -- create post (replaces: post)
    GET -- list/search (replaces: show, today)
    PUT -- update (tags/clubs only, replaces: update)
    GET -- get (replaces: show -m)
    DELETE -- delete (replaces: delete)

    POST -- create comment (replaces: comment)
    GET -- get comments for message (replaces: show -rm)

    GET -- get comment (replaces: nothing, maybe show -rm)
    DELETE -- delete comment (replaces: delete)

    GET -- get list (replaces: subscriptions)

    GET -- get list
    POST -- create
    GET -- get
    DELETE -- delete

    GET -- list/query (replaces: userlist, whoami)
    POST -- register (replaces: register)
    PUT -- change settings (replaces: interface, settings, vcard, on, off)
    GET -- get info (replaces: userinfo)

    GET -- search for messages and comments

    POST -- send a private message to <user>

    GET -- get top of clubs/tags
    GET -- get info about this club/tag (currently only message count)

u/Stiletto/BnW/RESTfulDraft (last edited 2013-02-14 19:35:33 by Stiletto)