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The following 114 words could not be found in the dictionary of 0 words and are highlighted below:
0x04011020   0x04211010   0x04a11060   0x104313f0   0x10ec0668   0x12   0x14   0x15   0x16   0x18   0x19   0x1a   0x1b   0x1d   0x1e   0x1f   0x40c6852d   0x411111f0   0x90170110   0x90170130   0x90460140   0x90a60150   across   and   apparently   Asus   Audio   bastard   bind   box   button   can   class   codec   configuration   course   device   does   doesn   don   end   enjoy   Even   events   F3   following   force   from   G752   have   hda   headphone   hid   id   in   initrd   into   it   jack   jacks   just   lesser   line   Linux   local   Luckily   Making   mic   module   multitouch   need   new   notebook   Of   of   or   our   Out   persist   pincfg   pointer   rc   reboot   reboots   Regenerate   remap   retask   sh   shit   slap   so   some   that   the   them   this   to   touchpad   Touchpad   udev   uevent   unbind   understand   use   want   will   with   won   work   works   wrap   you   You   your  

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location: u / Stiletto / G752

Making Asus G752VM into lesser shit of a notebook


Out of the box mic, headphone and line jacks don't work. You need to remap them with hda-jack-retask or just use following configuration:

# cat > /lib/firmware/hda-jack-retask.fw
0x10ec0668 0x104313f0 0

0x12 0x90a60150
0x14 0x90170110
0x15 0x04011020
0x16 0x04211010
0x18 0x04a11060
0x19 0x411111f0
0x1a 0x90170130
0x1b 0x411111f0
0x1d 0x40c6852d
0x1e 0x90460140
0x1f 0x411111f0

Regenerate your initrd, reboot, enjoy.


Even in Linux 4.11 hid-multitouch apparently can't understand multitouch events from this touchpad and doesn't want to use pointer and button events. Luckily it does have a device class that works with our bastard of a touchpad, you just need to force it to use this class:

# cd /sys/bus/hid/drivers/hid-multitouch
# ls
0018:04F3:3043.0007 bind module new_id uevent unbind
# echo "0018:04F3:3043.0007" > unbind
# echo 0018 04F3 3043 0013 > new_id 

Of course this won't persist across reboots so you will need to wrap this in some udev shit or just slap into the end of your rc.local.

u/Stiletto/G752 (last edited 2017-06-11 14:21:38 by Stiletto)